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IT Solutions for Smart Manufacturing

IT Solutions for Smart Manufacturing

Axus Technologies can help manufacturing companies find their best IT solutions.

Manufacturing will always be a necessity in the local and global society. While technology continues to develop in fields such as business, healthcare, and education, so too is it growing in every way in the realm of manufacturing. As this industry remains a vital and thriving component in the world, it deserves to benefit from the best IT solutions available. Axus Technologies can provide the tools and services you need for smart manufacturing, including Cisco Meraki.

Simplifying IT

The overall goal of smart manufacturing solutions is to simplify the system. The simpler one’s complex IT system can be, the easier and more efficient it is to manage the system, achieve goals, and solve any issues that arise. Cisco Meraki enables these very ideas, allowing one to see every application and device from one easy-to-use dashboard.

Better Management

With Cisco Meraki, you can also access more advanced applications and devices than ever before. One can deploy various Cisco Meraki apps for regular use, including Guest Wi-Fi, Asset Tracking, and Wayfinding & Mapping, or apps for COVID-19 purposes, like Contactless Engagement and Safe Occupancy. For more advanced options, you could expand your Meraki dashboard with their Advanced IT solutions for automating, managing, monitoring, and reporting.

Air-Tight Security

Aside from the technology itself and a simple way to manage it, security is paramount. Security systems cover both your software and your manufacturing facility. One can control the security through the same dashboard, if you go with Cisco Meraki, and catch issues that come up before they damage your system and cause downtime. The experts at Axus Technologies can help your company find the best solutions.

Reduce Costs

Although it would seem that the latest and greatest technology would be more expensive to use than a less-advanced system, the best on the market will actually lower your costs in the long-run. You do not have to implement every top product or service either; it is only the ones you need that will count. With customized devices and services, your company can save money.

Expertise with Axus Technologies

Axus Technologies partners with the best of commercial IT manufacturers to help companies in Florida and throughout North America to find the best IT solutions, manage their systems seamlessly, and consider future tech needs. 

Contact Axus Technologies for Your Commercial IT Needs

Axus Technologies, LLC (Axus) is a provider and integrator of first-class technology solutions for organizations of all sizes. We work with the best manufacturers and vendors in the IT industry to deliver top of the line results. We closely partner with our customers through all project cycles to ensure that our work exceeds expectations. Our main office is located in the Tampa Bay area, but we operate from coast to coast with a clientele footprint mainly concentrated in the Northeast, Midwest, and South. For more information about our technology services, call us today at 813-922-2323, fax us at 813-922-2325, or email us at For helpful technology tips and company updates, find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest.  

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