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Cloud-Based Firewalls vs Next-Generation Firewalls

Cloud-Based Firewalls vs Next-Generation Firewalls

Next-generation firewalls are making way for new, Cloud-based firewalls.

Every city needs a wall to protect its inhabitants, and the same could not be more true for commercial networks today. Networks are not what they once were. Network security first looked like a castle-and-moat fortress, which became the traditional model. Then came the rise of the next-generation firewalls, an innovative approach to a changing technological scene. Now, however, cloud-based firewalls will outdo NGFs in significant ways. 

Why Cloud-Based Firewalls?

Anyone in the information technology industry knows that the scene changes constantly. New developments are always happening, and with the Cloud dominating the landscape, network security needs to adjust. Networks themselves are no longer the data center-based structures they once were; now more than ever, businesses and people working in the Cloud are working within a very different type of architecture. Traditional network security, even next-generation firewalls, are becoming irrelevant to meet the overwhelming demands of the majority of users today.

Cloud-Based Firewalls vs. Next-Generation Firewalls

Let’s take a closer look at why cloud-based ones should replace next-generation firewalls. First, consider how the Cloud-based network is vastly different from a traditional network. A traditional one is far more limited and based within a data center, but the Cloud takes the bulk of information and functions into a public, private, or hybrid Internet hub accessible from anywhere. The security should match the fabric of the landscape, and a Cloud-native firewall can truly provide complementary and comprehensive coverage for today’s IT security needs.

Next, a Cloud-based firewall can cut complexity and make operations far simpler. Instead of having a long proxy chain with various checkpoints, one can pass through security at one point alone. Plus, with a multi-tenant virtual appliance, all users receive every security feature and won’t have to face a limited SSL inspection capacity.  

Cloud-based firewalls also allow for a full inspection. Other firewalls might only activate inspections once traffic reaches a certain level, but Cloud-based versions can detect every package that tries to enter. Every package receives the same level of inspection for total data loss and threat protection, and that kind of coverage is not something businesses want to do without.

Contact Axus Technologies for Your Commercial IT Needs

Axus Technologies, LLC (Axus) is a provider and integrator of first-class technology solutions for organizations of all sizes. We work with the best manufacturers and vendors in the IT industry to deliver top of the line results. We closely partner with our customers through all project cycles to ensure that our work exceeds expectations. Our main office is located in the Tampa Bay area, but we operate from coast to coast with a clientele footprint mainly concentrated in the Northeast, Midwest, and South. For more information about our technology services, call us today at 813-922-2323, fax us at 813-922-2325, or email us at For helpful technology tips and company updates, find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest.  

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